Save Data Tenko-chan Quest RJ159486

Save Data Tenko-chan Quest RJ159486


Added on April 18, 2016

 We have been waiting for a very long time.

 Tenko-chan Quest is now on sale.

Added on April 20, 2016

 Upgraded to Ver1.03 (fixed bugs, specifications, etc.).

Added on April 21, 2016

 Upgraded to Ver1.04 (bug and specification fixes).

Added on June 14, 2016

 Upgraded to Ver. 1.04B (bugs and defects fixed).

Added on July 17, 2016

 Upgraded to trial version Ver. 0.03 (bugs and defects fixed).

July 24, 2016

 We have included the event scenes to be implemented as a CG collection.

A simple beast* RPG!


 Tenko, a boxed girl who ran away from home, became an adventurer on an unnamed adventure island.

 She defeats monsters, gets raped, gives birth, and even gets raped by a human. …… And behind the adventures, there’s a suspicious group!

 Can Tenko become a great adventurer?

Game Description: A simple battle system.

 This is an RPG with a simple battle system.

 If you lose to the boss, you will be raped by a different species! The CG of defeat includes the difference of the belly.

 If you lose to the same enemy over and over again, the main character Tenko-chan will become a pervert who gets off on beast pussy.

Volume: The demo version includes the first dungeon and the second dungeon.

 The demo version includes the first dungeon and sub-events.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Tenko-chan Quest RJ159486” and use it.

Download Save Data

Download game for free at


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