Save Data Succubus Battle RJ01244852

Save Data Succubus Battle RJ01244852


2D action game featuring one-on-one naughty battles with various succubus

This game is made with Unity. Please check the operation with the demo version.

You can enjoy up to Stage 1 “vs Boxer Succubus” in the demo version, and the save data can be transferred to the full version.

Game System

First, reduce the enemy’s HP (resistance) in a serious battle!

Succubus in this world are invulnerable and gradually recover their health.

Before that happens, use your swordsmanship to slay the succubus!

Once you’ve reduced their HP, take advantage of the opportunity to launch a sex attack!

Press the “V” key repeatedly to caress the succubus!

When you make her cum, the climax gauge in the lower right corner will increase!

If you hit a knockdown opponent with an etch-a-sketch attack, a large screen finishing animation is triggered!

Hit the “V” key repeatedly to make the succubus climax, this time by hitting his penis!

If the Succubus’ climax gauge displayed in the lower right corner reaches 100%, you win!

Conversely, if the succubus makes you ejaculate and empties your sperm gauge in the lower left corner, you lose.

Powerful Live2D animation that develops in real time during battle

33 types of caress animations / 18 types of large screen animations

In addition, there are facial expression and costume removal differences!

pretence (pretense)

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Succubus Battle RJ01244852” and use it.

Download Save Data

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