Save Data Her love is a kind of charity. RJ01168407

Save Data Her love is a kind of charity. RJ01168407


Important information: ————————– statues

Players beware. Due to the difficulty of the game, many people cannot find the CG room. Here’s a hint: you can find the CG room in the rich area. Find this statue enough times and you will unlock the CG room in the rich area. Some players in the comments think that if you don’t find the CG room then there is no CG in the game. We are in the process of fixing and adding more hints and dudes.

If you keep searching for this sculpture, you will find it again and again, and then you will be able to unlock the CG room in the Fumin area.
Some players in the review say they can’t find the CG room and that the game is not CG.
Statement from us
We are in the process of improving the game, we will add more suggestions and guidance.

Our first version has less hints, thats the reason why lots of people cannot find the CG room, there is a statue with black hat, as long as you solve the riddle and find this statue for several times, the X-ray system and CG room will be unlocked

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Her love is a kind of charity. RJ01168407” and use it.

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