Tama to onnanoko no onaka wo ookiku suru game RJ01161375 Save Data

Tama to onnanoko no onaka wo ookiku suru game RJ01161375 Save Data


Make the ball bigger and the girl’s tummy bigger too!

This is a puzzle game in the style of a certain fruit game.
The bigger the balls are attached to each other, the bigger the girl’s belly becomes.
You can see a reward when you make it to the maximum size.

Girls getting their bellies enlarged

Warrior girl.
Not very good at expressing emotions.

Mei Mei
New Mage
She had a cheerful laugh.

A member of a ninja clan.
Highly skilled in combat but weak in sexuality.

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Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Tama to onnanoko no onaka wo ookiku suru game RJ01161375” and use it.

Download Save Data

Fully open from the beginning


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