Will toile dennou shoujo wa shinshoku sareru RJ01159183 Save Data

Will toile dennou shoujo wa shinshoku sareru RJ01159183 Save Data


This work is a work of fiction and is not related to any real person or organization.
In addition to that, the conception of this work began around February 2022.
Therefore, it has nothing to do with any real artificial intelligence, nor is it influenced by the character of Twa in any way.
And it is not about the pros and cons of real artificial intelligence.
Please understand this point.

■ Story.
Wilt World is an online game of virtual reality.
The day before the game’s first anniversary, the game is hacked by a malicious hacker.
The hack makes it impossible to log in and log out of the virtual reality. In addition, many dangerous programs are spread.

The virtual reality developer, Wiltwar, ordered the security software Towa to solve the problem.
Security software Tova is an evolving security software with artificial intelligence.

However, because of its artificial intelligence and its main function as security software, Twa does not even mimic emotions.
Working with Twa is Muse, a new employee at Wirtwal, who happens to be in virtual reality.
Since several of the hackers who caused this incident are in virtual reality, the two are tasked with capturing them.

■Game Overview
The main character in this game is Twa, a security software that harbors artificial intelligence.
Initially, Twa is emotionless and therefore has no senses, etc.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Will toile dennou shoujo wa shinshoku sareru RJ01159183” and use it.

Download Save Data

Download game for free at Hentakugames.com


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