Reijuu buster yume no musume monogatari RJ01126634 Save Data

Reijuu buster yume no musume monogatari RJ01126634 Save Data


This is the largest work in our circle.

Total number of animation patterns 【430 patterns or more】※Not the number of pictures.
Total event images including differences [Approx. 250 pictures] *Including those other than H-scenes.
Number of H-scenes [61
The girls’ lines during H-scenes are fully voiced.

Let’s have lots of sex with Shiro!

It is a game in which you communicate and have sex with a girl [Shiro] in the game world.
You communicate and have sex with the girl [Shiro] in the game world.

The game changes and adds H-scenes depending on the degree of lewdness and the sensitivity of the player.
Basically, the game gets harder and harder.

The game also allows White to change into a variety of outfits as the game progresses.

There are also sex scenes in the transformed form.
The transformation is also reflected in the cut-ins after battle victories.

The relationship between combat and H-scenes.

Some of the small fry enemies are in heat and will rape the girls during the battle.
Girls moan and say dialogues with H animations.
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The animation changes with each click.
Finally, the animation moves from the finish scene to the post-fight animation.

If you are defeated in a boss battle, a defeat H-scene will be waiting for you.
All bosses have defeat H-scene.

H-scenes with animation and voice only
H-scenes with many illustration differences and text.
There are also H-scenes with multiple animations and texts.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Reijuu buster yume no musume monogatari RJ01126634” and use it.

Download Save Data

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