I’m Doll No. 7. I came here from the future to have a baby with my brother.
A man with no wife and no girlfriend is visited by a girl-shaped robot “Doll No. 7.
The government of the future sent her to him as part of its measures to cope with the declining birthrate.
The purpose of this game is to live with her, impregnate her beautifully, and have children with her.
A Day with Doll No. 7
When he returns home after work, he begins his life with Doll No. 7.
The power of action is 5 points.
One point is consumed during conversation, and two points are consumed for touching.
You go to bed when you choose to go to bed or when all your activity power runs out.
It will be the next day.
There are 6 scenes.
To be consoled
Talking about trivial things
Having a sexually suggestive conversation
Having dinner
Touching from under the table
Talking over dinner
Going to the bathroom
Touching while peeking through the door
I’m going to take a bath.
I wash you.
I will ask him to wash me.
Sleeping together
Touching the sleeping place
Talking before going to bed
Taking a walk
Touching on a street corner at night
Outing with Doll No. 7
Sunday is a day for going out.
The outing consists of three scenes.
■ Shopping.
You can buy clothes and pants. Money is automatically saved at 500 yen per day.
■Go to the library
Installation Save Data
How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Amamaama Kosaku Sekkatsu Seikatsu – A Child Making Robot Arrives from the Future! (RJ01343763)” and use it.
Download Save Data
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