Save Data reformatory (RJ01314344)


The world doesn’t need weak people! Android correctional facilities for the weak

In the near future ………….
The era when humans were the center of the world has long passed, and artificial intelligent life forms (androids) have taken over all jobs on the earth.
This has freed humans from labor and allowed them to enjoy their freedom. The days when we used to work from morning till night are now a thing of the past.

Artists were absorbed in their own creativity, athletes challenged new records, and scientists devoted themselves to experiments that would open the way to the future of humanity. Everyone was pursuing their own dreams. There were smiles on the streets, music and cheer on holidays.

Such people were called the strong. ………… Naturally, where there are strong people, there are also weak people.

They produce nothing, challenge nothing, consume nothing. Those who just spend their days masturbating.

The strong and the androids spoke in unison, saying: …………
The world doesn’t need the weak. But humans have potential.”

You have been identified as a weakling, and you have changed your mind and are now training in a correctional facility.

Your partner is not a human but an android!

In a world where everything is controlled by androids, your sexuality is also being investigated!
The contents of portable devices are all girls with big tits.
You are assigned an android that closely resembles a human being.

A tiny but big girl
A girl with big tits

Please choose the one you like.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “reformatory (RJ01314344)” and use it.

Download Save Data

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