Save Data Oneshota ARPG Monmusume Arcana RJ01164597

Save Data Oneshota ARPG Monmusume Arcana RJ01164597


Most of the girls are monster girls.
There are still other girls besides those listed above…?

The genre is Action RPG.
Number of basic CG: 35
H events: 37
Standing picture H-events: 14
Endings: 4 types

Play time: 9 hours or more for all routes. (There is an individual difference.)

There is a message skip function.
There is a recollection room.
Easy mode and cheat mode are available. (For details, please refer to the included text file.)

Please make sure to check the operation with the demo version.
Save data cannot be transferred from the demo version to the full version.

The boss monster girl will attack with a “Seduction Attack”.
When she receives a “Seduction Attack,” she becomes erect, and if she receives another “Seduction Attack” in the erect state, a “Seduction Attack” will begin, which is a sex play QTE.

If the QTE fails, the boss loses the game and does something naughty to you.

There are three different ways to advance the boss,
Defeat the boss and miss.
Defeat and kill the boss
Declare defeat to the boss or fail the colorful QTE.
Depending on the number of these actions, the endings will change or special monster girls will appear. (Multiple endings)

About updates
Information about the game is available here.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Oneshota ARPG Monmusume Arcana RJ01164597” and use it.

Download Save Data

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