Save Data darkside celestial RJ01223044

Save Data darkside celestial RJ01223044


Cool transforming heroines and card battles!

Mizuki is a magical girl who has come on a mission to an abandoned factory, where a senior demon (the player) has his stronghold.

Fight against her in card battles.

Mizuki is a strong opponent, but you can win by taking her mana and strengthening your cards.

To express combat eroticism, the damage Mizuki takes during card battles is reflected in her motion as sensitivity accumulates.

Eventually, if you obtain more rare and powerful cards, you will be able to make Mizuki continuously climax, suck out her magic power to untransform, and torture her.

There are four levels of difficulty, and if you want to challenge yourself to higher levels, you can also enjoy a card battle only mode.

On the highest difficulty level, Mizuki becomes so strong that even a strengthened character can be killed in an instant if he is not careful.

Please make sure to check the operation of the demo version before purchasing.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “darkside celestial RJ01223044” and use it.

Download Save Data

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