SenKami Madoka hime Erena~ kutsujoku no haiboku do geza inochigoi~ RJ01186580 Save Data

SenKami Madoka hime Erena~ kutsujoku no haiboku do geza inochigoi~ RJ01186580 Save Data


Game System] Begging for your life when you are about to be defeated by the enemy! About the Begging for Life command

Even a righteous transformed heroine cannot resist the fear of death!
Driven by fear, the proud heroine begs for her life!
She begs for her life from the gangsters, the common fighters, the female soldiers… and even from her own men!
What fate awaits the transformed heroine who begs for her life…!

The heroine who begs for her life is doomed…!
She is defeated by a large monster and ends up in a penis case…
A woman is defeated by a big monster and put in a penis case….
The dog is defeated by a big dog and begs for her life….
The “Mere Old Man” is a man who has been defeated by a former colleague who had once looked down on him and turned on his enemies,
He is defeated by a former colleague who had once disrespected him, and he abandons his pride and apologizes with all his might, begging for his life…
Defeated by an enemy leader, she apologizes on her knees and declares that she is out of the transforming heroine business…

About this work’s level system: “Dignity Destruction Level

The destruction of dignity is not only done by begging for life in combat, but also in many other situations…

In order to buy equipment, he bows down to his colleagues and borrows money.

⇒When forced to repay the debt, they perform physical service.

When captured by the enemy, she begs for her life and seduces the guard in order to get out of the prison.

She pretends to be a prostitute and sneaks into enemy territory. She is looked down upon as a whore by her enemies and provides sexual services to the enemy leaders.

She is shown begging for her life in front of her fellow members of the same organization…etc.

In addition to fleeing and begging for their lives in battle,

In addition to fleeing and begging for one’s life in battle, these scenes also involve the destruction of one’s dignity.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “SenKami Madoka hime Erena~ kutsujoku no haiboku do geza inochigoi~ RJ01186580” and use it.

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