Tenshou tenma~ chijou ni oritatsu hikari to yami~ RJ01172425 Save Data

Tenshou tenma~ chijou ni oritatsu hikari to yami~ RJ01172425 Save Data



This can’t go on like this.
God murmured as he looked into the human world from the heavens.
The angel Light is summoned and told by God to solve the problems in the human world.

The angel Light, under God’s command, descended to the human world together with the demon Karma who had been trapped in the heavenly world.
The adventure of reincarnating as a human begins.

Will the two be able to accomplish God’s command?
And what is the ending that awaits them?


An angel reincarnated as a human in the human world by order from God.
She is the main heroine. She has a personality that is quick to speak out, even when expressing her opinions even to God.
She is a long-range type who uses a bow.

A demon captured in the heavenly realm. Reincarnated as a human in the human world with Light.
She has a simple and self-centered personality that charges alone.
She is an attacker in close combat.
Main character (male)

A charismatic and ruthless figure in the empire.
Light and Karma are the opponents targeted by God’s command.
She uses a spear.

A calm-hearted character like a Sister.
She can use light magic and recovery magic.

A subhuman with cat ears.
Can use magic and dark magic.

Warlord specializing in attack.
Uses an axe.

game system

■Battle System
Turn-based strategy by moving characters square by square.

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Tenshou tenma~ chijou ni oritatsu hikari to yami~ RJ01172425” and use it.

Download Save Data

Download game for free at Hentakugames.com


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