Arai rei no kan 2 RJ340715 Save Data

Arai rei no kan 2 RJ340715 Save Data



Please make sure that you can run the demo version before purchasing!
This game is a sequel to “The Ship of the Wash” (RJ234689).
The included zip file is for your enjoyment of the images used in the game.
 You will be informed of the password by entering the “recollection room” that appears on the title screen after clearing the game.
 (The password is also included in the separately sold “Ship of the Wash 2 Clear Opening Patch” (RJ352018))
If you have trouble unzipping the zip file,
 Not the one that comes standard with Windows,
 If you have trouble extracting the zip file, please try using free software such as “Lhaplus”.

Brainwashing action game

Korrupt has once again adapted Ogawa Kosama’s profound and erotic worldview into a game!

Vitonil, a female Imperial officer who conquered the frontier town of Takamagahara in the previous game, “The Ship of Brainwashing”,
Vitonil, a female Imperial officer who conquered the frontier region of Takamagahara in the previous game, “Ship of Enslavement,” decides to revolt against the Empire with the help of the Enslavement soldiers she has obtained through brainwashing!
However, the emperor, who was supposed to be in a sickbed, has revived in Vitonil’s absence. ……

The final battle of Vitonil and his men is about to begin!

This game is a look-down action game.
Defeat the lords of the five fiefdoms in any order, brainwash them, take their power and ……
Build up the strength of your slavery machine soldiers and conquer the empire!

Estimated playing time
5 hours

Standing picture/CG

Installation Save Data

How To Insert Data ?
After unzipping, please overwrite the relevant data with the file of the same name in the folder where you installed “Arai rei no kan 2 RJ340715” and use it.

Download Save Data

Download game for free at


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